Pro Bono Licensed Professionals Application

We would like to invite you to participate in a new program that enables deserving energy efficient hospitals or MOBs to be ENERGY STAR® certified by the U.S. EPA. To acknowledge the public benefit, ASHE is connecting Licensed Professionals (LPs) with facilities that are eligible to become ENERGY STAR® certified.

If you would like to participate in the ASHE/EPA Pro Bono ENERGY STAR® Verification project, please submit the form below. Following the submission of this form an ASHE representative will follow up with additional details.


Please select whether you are a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect.

If you are already certified, the please provide a screenshot of your name in EPA's Licensed Professional Finder or a screenshot of the certificate of completion for the EPA training entitled "Verifying the ENERGY STAR Application Certification".

Drag and drop files here or